Advance application is a HR related product designed by Logicvalley to enrol a new enforcement officer, initiate the enforcement officers Certification process with High court, to track the Certification status from the initiation to approval from high court, to track their contract details, Bond related details.

Advance is a common database which is beign used by various teams like, Fleet, Finance, L&D, Advance learn. We built configurable field feature to help users to configure the required fields for the exisiting forms within Advance application in an easy way. The users can fetch an overall configured reports of the enrolled enforcement officers, schedule the reports and share it with the team as required, pull and download the live report in excel/CSV format, ability to do the multiple report scheduling, design their own Email templates, store the email templates and use it when there is a need, required documents can be imported within the application and use it in the emails.
In addition to this, we built a self service application for the Contractors.
It is an universal solution for contractors that facilitates communication and transference of their contractual data.