Product Development
Product Development Services
Web and Mobile Products
Field force solutions
optimise application is a primary solution for the field agents who enforces the cases against the defaulters(defendants) or customers. optimise supports and suits for multiple debts and legal operations such as Parking offences, Seizure of vehicles, Goods removal and collection of taxes.
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Advance application is a HR related product designed by Logicvalley to enrol a new enforcement officer, initiate the enforcement officers Certification process with High court, to track the Certification status from the initiation to approval from high court, to track their contract details, Bond related details.
Logic Valley allows you to configure forms and add any form accessible to your field staff. Our configurable forms are designed in a way organizations can easily configure digital forms, thereby making short work of tiring manual documentation.
Mobile ANPR
Mobile ANPR, readily integrated with mobile application, is the smart solution for field workforce, intelligence services and specialized operational departments for protection, insuring a tireless watchful eye and higher reliability on recognition.
Our Conversational AI feature makes information transfer easy & rapid and comes packed with AI-enabled dialog systems for customer service or information acquisition, human conversation or chat for user’s queries based on real-time interactions.
Spot Sense
SPOT SENSE enables organizations to monitor their field workforce and handle resources with real-time visibility into their work progress and execution with intelligent tracking and enhanced Route optimization techniques.
Face Tag
Facial recognition is a biometric software application capable of uniquely identifying or verifying a person by comparing and analyzing patterns based on the person’s facial contours.